General Information

To: Parents of Memorial Middle School and Spring Branch Middle School
Grades 6th through 8th - Fall 2012 Practice Season and Spring 2013 Game Season

Re: SBMLC - Middle School Lacrosse Teams - Division 1 and 2 (A and B)

This is a general information flyer with answers to frequently asked questions:

What is the Spring Branch - Memorial Lacrosse Club?

The Spring Branch Memorial Lacrosse Club (SBMLC) is a league that was formed by parents of children attending Spring Branch ISD (and some local private schools) (mostly Memorial Middle School and Spring Branch Middle School). SBMLC is designed to teach Lacrosse to girls that have not ever played before, so the emphasis is on instruction.  That said, SBMLC teams will play teams across the city from both public and private schools who have well developed programs. Volunteers today carrying on a tradition that began a five years ago by dedicated parents. This is therefore at its heart a league that is run, and paid for, by parent volunteers to teach Lacrosse.

SBMLC is also an instructional league that is also designed to be a “feeder program” to the Memorial High lacrosse teams. Memorial High has a very, very well respected and successful lacrosse team and program. Much of that team’s success is due to the kids early introduction to Lacrosse at the middle school level (time-on-task).  The girls MHS team is one of the top teams in Houston, and also in the State of Texas. With its success, the MHS girl’s program now has three lacrosse teams (2 JV and 1 Varsity), the boy’s team has two teams (1 JV and 1 Varsity) and both programs are fully recognized as a “full varsity sport” at Memorial High School (i.e., just like the football program including letter jackets and PE credit). About 45 girls who played on SBMLC teams now play lacrosse at MHS and that number grows each year.

Who can play on a SBMLC team and when is the Lacrosse season?

SBMLC teams are open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls who are attending MMS, SBMS and WMS (and also girls from other private schools who are likely to attend Memorial High School). For the 2013 (Spring) season, there are likely three (3) girls teams comprised of girls of an equal number from each of the middle schools (e.g. typically 12 to 15 per school).  At the middle school level, teams are either District 1 (A) or District 2 (B) teams. District 1 teams permit “checking” (for girls this means hitting the offensive player’s stick to dislodge the ball); while B teams cannot have any contact with the player’s stick or body (i.e., no checking).  This year we believe we will have one A team and one B team.  The overwhelming majority of the B teams will be comprised of girls who have not ever played lacrosse before.

The Lacrosse regular game season is in the spring after the basketball season.  We begin to play games usually in February and end with a middle school tournament in April.  We normally play a few tournaments sponsored by various schools and colleges (e.g., Woodlands and CyFair) which provide the opportunity to play several games back to back in one weekend.

Regardless of whether A or B the SBMLC lacrosse is plenty competitive.  Lacrosse is unique in that unlike many sports the middle school level, SBMLC girls play games against teams from both private schools and public schools across the city.

Where do we practice and play games?

We practice at various places, often where we can find a field (in years past we have practiced at the two middle schools or in available fields). The location of Fall practices will be determined by the coaches. Each coach and team will decide how often they practice, and it will vary team to team.  SBMLC teams often practice only one to two times per week in the fall and spring.

Our home games are held at the “Grob Stadium" when available and some at Spring Branch Middle. During the fall season teams practice one to two afternoons per week. Parents should plan on two afternoons per week during the spring game season for either games or practices and one weekend game.

Can my child play if my child plays other sports?

The regular season starts in the spring so most other sports are not affected (i.e., football, volleyball and basketball is generally over before we even start games).  Each volunteer coach will set their own teams practice schedule and will address conflicts.  Overall, we each recognize that the girls have many, many other activities, as well as “school” to address equally. We will try to avoid conflicts with all school sponsored educational, recreational and athletic activities. We consider the SBMLC to be a secondary activity to middle school athletics (i.e., school volleyball and basketball) but hope that your child takes practice and games seriously. They will of course get out of it what they put into it.

What is SBMLC’s relationship to the middle school, high school or SBMSA (sports association)?

SBMLC is NOT a part of or affiliated with the Spring Branch Memorial Sports Association.

SBMLC is NOT recognized as an officialUIL sport of either Spring Branch Independent School District, MMS or SBMS.  They permit the use of their fields and we pay a field use fee for that privilege as a private club.

Who pays the costs to run the league and obtain equipment?

Each team will contribute to the overall well being of the SBMLC.  For instance, we already own three goals that are used for practice, but coaches purchase their own goalie and team equipment (like practice and game balls).

In general, parents should plan to spend $250 to $275 per person for the entire year to cover general overhead and direct team costs.  This team fee covers each participant’s uniforms, fees for referees, and team-related items like balls and goalie gear. The players should be able to use their uniforms for two years if the play in the 7th and 8th grade. The fee per participant will also vary  somewhat dependant upon the number of girls on each team. Parents have volunteered to be the coaches in the past and do not charge for their time which helps defray costs.

What must be done to play?

All team members must be members of US Lacrosse.  This is required so that our insurance policy covers the volunteers and coaches and that insurance coverage is required by SBISD for use of their fields. Annual membership for girls under 15 is about $25. You can enroll online at  You  will need to provide to SBMLC a membership number so that we can provide it to the insurance company and SBISD. You may use the US Lacrosse Online Membership Application Form

What equipment is required?

Each player must have a “sex specific” lacrosse stick. The head (or basket) on the girls stick is very different from the boys stick.  The girl’s pocket on their stick is shallow, while the boy’s pocket on their stick is much deeper. There are several good manufacturers – STX, Brine, Warrior and DeBeer. You should expect to pay between $45 and $65 for a beginner stick and between $85 and $135 for a “quality stick”.  You might want to start with a beginner stick since there is not early on a material difference.

Mouth guards are required and there are those that work better with braces than others (usually $15). Mouthguards cannot be clear and can be any other color, even multi-color. Tabs must be cut off the mouthpieces before play.

Goggles are required for eye protection. You should expect to pay $45-65 for goggles. The more expensive goggles also provide some protection over the nose area, and are worth the extra money.  Some are rubber that work better to avoid bacteria from sweat and acne.

Shoes. Most play in cleats (football or soccer cleats) but regular tennis shoes are fine (optional).

Balls.  Girls lacrosse regulation balls are YELLOW or orange.  The team will have practice balls so don’t buy more than a couple for practice on your own at home (optional).

Just Her Sports carries womens lacrosse gear. 6704 Ferris Blvd - Bellaire, TX 77401 - (713) 661-7272 -

Sports Authority carries things like balls and shoes, but be careful buying a girls stick there since they will not know the difference, will sell you a boy’s stick by accident, and don’t have a great selection.

If your daughter has an interest in playing goalie then you do NOT have to purchase goalie equipment.  The SBMLC has acquired equipment over the years and will continue to pass it down.  The goalie wears full protective gear (like a baseball catcher) and have a different goalie’s stick with a bigger head.

Are there any lacrosse camps in Houston or elsewhere to work on skills?

Yes, there are lots of camps in the summer and some in the fall to get ready for the spring regular season.  SBMLC will provide information as it is available with sign-up sheets.

Who’s Coaching the Team?

We have had the luxury of volunteer moms and dads each year since inception.  The time commitment is the biggest investment by most volunteer parent coaches.  Please be mindful of their investment and offer to help when you can.  We have been lucky in that the Memorial coaches have also volunteered to help coach, when the can the SBMLC teams, to help and provide continuity to the high school program.

What can I do to help?

We have held meetings at SBMS & MMS to determine initial interest. We would like to have 25 to 30 girls per team since there is lots and lots of running involved and since many will have conflicts from time to time prohibiting attendance.  If you know girls or boys that would like to play please tell one of the coaches identified below. So that you receive timely information, please make sure we have provided current e-mail and phone information so we can contact you. We hope you get involved and volunteer, since success of the SBMLC will be the direct result of your continued participation.

Volunteer Coaches Information:

--8th Grade / 7th Grade– A Team

Jon Lanclos - Coach

Cell: 713-256-4413 -



--7th Grade / 6th Grade– B Team

Jon Lanclos - Coach

Cell: 713-256-4413 -



The volunteer coaches work hard to make sure your daughters have fun and learn the “fastest game on two feet” – lacrosse.  See you on the field!

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